
Growing Bridges

Nature * Arts * Touches

be the change you wish to see in the world – Gandhi

Artists: Natascha Renner, Sula Zimmerberger

OPENING 12.05.2015*19:00
Exhibition duration: 16.06.2015
1090 Vienna, Sechsschimmelgasse 14

Powered by Department of Culture of the City of Vienna

Concept: Caroline Charlotte Kaiser, KulturAXE

GROWING BRIDGES reflects the guiding theme of KulturAXE, a culture association founded 20 years ago in Vienna in order to realize bordercrossing art projects. Growing Bridges is focusing on togetherness and the aim to mutually achieve change. Bordercrossing tolerance and a sense of transcultural togetherness in which you detect the „otherness“ in yourself, requires first the feeling of oneness. However, we have today reached a state of maximal alienation between men and nature. Which is rapidly being accelerated by the digitalisation of reality. This also means alienation to the nature of oneself. Oneness and harmony with oneself and the world is substituted by fear, destruction and xenophobia. Is it at all possible to simply leave all these paradigms behind us in a radical cut and start fresh trying to normalize our relation to nature? Can art lead us back to a wondering perception of nature? Can art assume healing effects in this context? Does anything make sense nowadays without radical change? Growing Bridges asks the artists about their personal relation to nature, why they reflect it in their works and what vision they have for the future.

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